If you are looking for a collaborator for a piece of work or to develop a new idea or initiative, you can post your details here
Run a portfolio career network meeting near you
If you are interested in designing and running a network meeting of portfolio careerists in any one of our selected regions (the North West, the Midlands, Yorkshire, Bristol or Exeter), please get in touch. We have ideas for the shape and content to share with you and ideas on speakers and presentations, but we need collaborators. Could this be you?
Educating our young people about the social sector
Do you remember how you came to know about the work of the social sector? We are looking to build a body of teaching materials that can be used in our schools to help young people get a better understanding of the role that social sector organisations play in our society. if you are interested in contributing, please get in touch
Care for the elderly - is there a better way?
Have you had personal experience of the difficult choices individuals have to make as they approach the twilight years of their life? How well prepared do you think we all are for dealing with that transition, and are you interested in working with the care sector on these issues to help others facing the same challenges? If so, get in touch.