Adapting to a changing world: what can we learn about the future of work in the social sector?
The Eastside Primetimers Foundation has launched a programme of events on work in the social sector, intended to help organisations shape their thinking as “megatrends” change the way we all operate. These are huge questions, but I came away from our first panel event on January 21st with five key reflections.
1. Young workers are socially conscious, but the sector doesn't have a monopoly on virtue anymore
Generations Y and Z are looking for a sense of social purpose in their jobs, but NCVO’s chief executive Karl Wilding observes that while not-for-profits were once first port of call for this, that may no longer be true in an age where Nike can fashion itself as a “campaigning company” with social credentials. And with living costs and graduate debt an increasing worry, the private sector can combine social branding with a better pay offer. This means not-for-profits must do more than just “tug at the heartstrings” as they compete for bright new employees.
2. Data and digital technology can be transformative, but uptake is slow
Rolled out and used well, technology can be transformative. Tracy Gyateng of DataKind explains that just as how Netflix uses algorithms to suggest what you’ll watch, they helped a Huddersfield foodbank harness client data to predict patterns of individual use and mount effective crisis interventions. And delivering better services for beneficiaries in turn convinces staff and volunteers of the meaning of their roles, boosting satisfaction.
However, Lesley Giles of the Work Foundation notes that only 54% of managers feel their organisations are “forward-thinking” about tech and many miss opportunities to increase flexible work through digital tools. Bringing in new systems also demands patience through multiple attempts and a level of investment that provokes caution from charity boards - while a factor in Huddersfield was the presence of an IT-savvy trustee at the foodbank, this is not yet the norm.
3. Think hard about the right conditions for "Good Jobs"
There is much discussion about what a “Good Job” looks like, but it was felt that along with social purpose, managers must also offer the right conditions and genuine career development. Most employers offer performance reviews, but under half promote flexible work, training, task discretion or performance-related pay. And we must guard against the encroachment of imbalanced zero-hours contracts into the charity sector under guise of flexible work.
4. Skills are the key to a satisfied workforce and an effective sector
Underinvestment and shortages in skills affect 22% of vacancies, holding back organisations. Developing high-level cognitive skills and a knack for communication, leadership and tech is increasingly also the only way for employees to succeed in the “hourglass” economy, where jobs proliferate at the top and bottom of the pay scale. Tracy Gyateng further shares that the basic data skills she learned early in her education soon became obsolete as technology marched on – it is essential that employers and education institutions support continual, lifelong learning.
5. Social organisations must promote diversity and wellbeing
Finally, workplaces are increasingly diverse, and not only in terms of gender and ethnicity (though these are still challenges for the social sector). We now have five generations working side-by-side, with different needs that employers must be responsive to. And while it may be more acute in older workers, employers must be sensitive to wellbeing challenges at all stages of life. Absenteeism and presenteeism alike cost the economy £100bn a year and with mental health awareness rising, charities especially must practice what they preach on overwork, stress and anxiety.
Ruth Cane is Manager of the Eastside Primetimers Foundation and has spent 25 years in HR and organisational development roles in the voluntary and public sectors. If you would like to know more about the Foundation’s programme of events, contact her on